Friday, October 14, 2011

"Excuse my charisma, vodka witha spritzaah" - Lil Wayne

You know you still have growing up to do when you move out of your parents' house, into an apartment all by yourself, but still hang picture frames full of your friends faces. My new "grown up" pad walls are covered with pictures of girls in dresses and high heels doing the "skinny arm" pose at some bar. Maybe it's a generational thing? I keep waiting for the day I actually want to decorate with something other than a cloth board full of memorabilia but I'm starting to think that it might not ever happen. Why wouldn't I want to stare at all of your b-e-a-utiful faces errrry day?

You know you have growing up to do when you wear sneakers equally as often as you wear high heels. I guess it's partly because of my job that I wear sneakers so often but they are a staple to my wardrobe none-the-less.

You know you still have growing up to do when you can't count your friends on one hand. What you actually have are many acquaintances, however you still refer to all of them as your "very good friends." I know that I probably only have about eight high quality friends but even the fact that I'm sitting here counting them means that I still have a lot of growing up to do.

You know you have growing up to do when you very often have BOTH the wine and the ice cream cone. Ok, that actually sounds gross but you know what I mean. You can stop in 7-11 for a couple bags of candy before heading to a bar. And don't forget to put Bacardi in your Slurpee! You know you have growing up to do when you think it's totally acceptable to eat like a bird all week knowing that you'll make up the calories at 3am on Saturday.

Yes, this actually happened in real life with Brittany.

You know you still have growing up to do when you start crying in the middle of a restaurant because you don't communicate so well with your dad. You're too stubborn to just give in and let go of the wall that somehow got there (a trait you inherited from him, by the way)! And you know you're still a big kid when the next time you talk to him on the phone feels like a big bear hug because you know it will all be just fine!

You know you have growing up to do when you have to ask how you actually go about paying those bills that are in your name. How does all of this crap work?!

You know you still have growing up to do when you need your friends or even your mom to "talk you off the ledge", as we women call it, when we're going crazy over a guy. You can know all of the reasonable, sane, and logical explanations why he didn't call you yet today or ask you to hang out but your emotions, your boredom, and your God given irrationality kicks in and suddenly you're pulling a Sheila and going all Sammi Sweetheart!

"And I ain't making you a g.d. frittata, you ass face!"
"Maybe I should make you a tit-tata, huh? A fluffy tit-tata!"

You know you have growing up to do when you can frequently believe that everyone you encounter has the best of intentions for you. You always believe that in the end it will all be okay.

You know you still have growing up to do when you make impulsive and dumb decisions. You hear "what the hell" run through your head and do whatever it is that you want to do even though you probably shouldn't! You know you still have growing up to do when you have no idea what you're going to do with the rest of your life. Your elders see that as a gift but you see it as a burden. You know you still have growing up to do when Sunday nights are not meant for relaxing and watching television but are your most favorite nights to go out (SUNDAY FUNDAY)! And add that to the list too....if the days of the week have nicknames, you have growing up to do. You still dance on bars, play outside in the rain, and say things like, "this is the best song everrrrrr!"

Sassarella know you still have growing up to do when this list was easier to write than the one about knowing you're growing up. Although some of these traits will fall away or be tweaked as I continue to grow up, I hope some of them stick! And maybe that's me being naive but if there's ever going to be a 70 year old woman dancing on a bar, it will be me (and Lauren). I will still have to call Meghan to "talk me off the ledge" when my husband does something absurdly stupid and I'm going to love peanut butter M&Ms and a glass of wine until the day I die! Growing up is inevitable but hold onto what you can because I believe it will keep ya young and hot.

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