"And after 3 days of drinking with Larry Love
I just get an inklin' to go on home" - Alabama3
I just get an inklin' to go on home" - Alabama3
Driving up the Turnpike on the bus, this kept popping into my head.
The song alone...I mean come on, 'nuff said.
Let's check some stuff off the "Jersey To Do List", shall we?
7. Eat at Nonna's
8. Make CDs for the limo ride to NYC with the BEST PEOPLE EVER
9. Work out at Lifetime...........big question mark next to that one!
10. Etc, etc, etc.
Restaurant Depot: "Hey, you got that veal in the back? 1 case, gimme 1 case"
Safe to say I've switched gears and kicked it in high Jersey Mode. What's Jersey Mode? Well I talk to Lauren at least 5 times a day, I listen to Hot 97.1 in the car, I pump my fists, and eat real meals. It's amazing how life falls right back into place. BeeTeeDubs, what a luxury it is to drive. I drove around for awhile feeling like "I believe I can flyyy, I believe I can touch the sky." Liberating beyond belief.
Anyway, "Let me tell you something about my family, we're thick as thieves
and we protect each other to the end" - Caroline, Real Housewives of NJ
The food, the drinks, the family and friends....STATUS: Hung over and happy :-) Last night at Sona the crew reunited. Magical, I tell ya, just magical. Laur, Gab, Drew, Beth, TA, everyone and their mothers from Morris, Union, and Essex counties. "Oh my GAWD, hiiiii! How are you? It's so good to see you!" The amount of times I said that last night equaled about the amount of shots we took. Best part: I was genuinely happy to see everyone and I genuinely enjoyed the vodka. There's something to be said for going back where ya came from. Everyone tawlks the same, dresses the same, drives the same, drinks cawfee the same, dances the same...we understand each other in a way that non-Jerseyians could never understand. I mean if I start walking around singing "It's T-Shiiiirrt Time, T-Shiiiirrttt Time...CABS HEEEEERE", everyone here gets it and knows exactly what I mean (except maybe Lauren...oooo this is awkward). It's a great feeling. Don't get me wrong, I love standing out in DC for my Jersey habits but acceptance is a wonderful thing.The night was pretty perfect. SoCo Lime shots, Drew did the wiggle, we danced to Michael Jackson, found Abs...and rubbed them obvs, and took tons of pictures.
Sona is where the <3 is.
Now all I have to do is finish off the rest of that to do list, hunt down that Sammy girl, and do everything I can to make it out of this weekend alive!
"No excuses, play like a champion."
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