Monday, May 23, 2011

"Washington is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm" - JFK

On this day last year.

On this day last year I was not a graduate of Georgetown University. I did not know the great pride I would feel when I learned that I got an A on my senior thesis. I did not realize how wonderful it is knowing that I won't ever have homework again. On this day last year I could never have imagined the rush of adrenaline that I felt when I heard my name and walked across the stage to receive my diploma from GU. I could only assume but not really know how accomplished and relieved I am to have finished the college chapter of my life.

On this day last year I did not know how significant it would be to have my Aunt Honey at graduation. The Big Hoya sent her there to be with me, I know that to be true. It was so amazing knowing that when I thought of him for a quick second while I walked in single file line in my cap and gown, that she was able to be there at the last minute. I did not know, on this day last year, how great it would be that the second I wished to see my parents in the audience I was able to spot them. On this day last year I did not have any idea how much I love and appreciate my grandparents and siblings for making the trip to DC this weekend.

On this day last year I did not know that I would cry like a baby when faced with leaving the people at Rhino and The Whale. I didn't think that I would get incredibly emotional seeing my parents and siblings having drinks at the bar. On this day last year I never would have guessed that seeing Oscar and my dad doing a shot of Jameson would mean so much to me. I did not know that even just seeing a picture of Trey talking to my mom would make me want to start crying all over again. I did not realize how much I would love having Shana pour gin in my mouth or hearing the DJ give my family and me a shout out. I had no idea how warm and fuzzy I would feel hearing from Larry, Billy, and Josh that they all love me too. I didn't realize that I would be so sad to leave George, Stiles, and Misty. On this day last year I did not know that Melissa would cry too and that I would so upset that JC wasn't around. I really did not know what it would feel like to leave B.Ryan and Soph. I never would have thought it was necessary to stop by Serendipity 3 to see Dave moments before leaving DC and I did not know that I would start crying again walking away. I had no idea that I would miss it so much that I would make my phone background a picture of Rhino. On this day last year, I did not wonder what it is going to feel like going back there down the road.

On this day last year I could not imagine how it would feel leaving Allie and Maggie. I had no idea how much I would miss walking into Allie's room to play. I did not know that I would want to freeze time a few weeks ago when Maggie was standing in Allie's closet having a fashion show. I had no idea how much I would want to go back to last week watching videos on Allie's Flip camera. I could not have known that I would feel compelled to write little notes to them explaining how much they mean to me. However, I am going to follow Allie's lead and stop here because as she is refusing to say goodbye to Maggie and me, I am refusing to believe that I am saying goodbye to them too.

On this day last year I did not realize how much my last cafeteria visit with Meghan would mean to me. I had no idea how much I would enjoy a dinner with our families together reminiscing about how we met and how our friendship developed. I could not have known how much going to NYC with Meghan for the JCP project would change my life. I did not know that I would meet Benzie and I certainly did not know how positively his presence would affect my last few weeks at Georgetown. I did not know how happy it would make me to coincidentally drive by him on the street, yell "Benzie" out the window, and jump out of the car to say goodbye. I didn't realize how thankful I would be to have him there as a shoulder to cry on throughout all of this.

On this day last year I did not understand the magnitude of senior week. I never would have believed it if someone told me that I would go out eleven days in a row and actually enjoy it. I did not know that some of the best memories from senior week would involve hours and hours of Mario Kart and James Bond video game competitions with anywhere from 4-15 people at a time ("BY DA WAYYY!"). On this day last year I didn't know that the incredible pain my feet are in from wearing heels every day would be so worth it.

On this day last year I had no clue how much all of the little things would mean to me. I somehow managed to lay eyes on all of the important people in DC in the last week. I could never have imagined that I would get a little emotional saying thank you to the guys at Wisey's for making my salads and sandwiches for four years. I could never have imagined how happy I would be to coincidentally see Pnut walk into Paolo's where I was having dinner. Or how happy I would be to see "The Most Fun Joe" out at The Whale on a Wednesday. I would have had no idea how much I would appreciate going to Clyde's with Jackie and seeing Bob.

On this day last year I had no idea how much I love feeling my bedroom carpet under my toes in New Jersey. For some reason it felt damn good yesterday. I could not have imagined how strange it would feel to know that I'm not just home for the summer but for good. There's no going back to DC in August, there's no strictly summer only job, there's no longer any routine of going back and forth to school or week long breaks. I would not have known how weird it feels to know that it's over. On this day last year I didn't understand the bittersweet feeling that comes along with graduating from college. I am sad to leave my friends and my lifestyle in Washington, DC. I am afraid that even when I go back to visit, it won't be the same and I am wondering whether the change will be good or bad. I lived an incredibly amazing life while at Georgetown University and I miss it already. Although on the other hand, I am so happy, so relieved, and I feel like a large weight has been lifted off my shoulders. The hard work paid off and it is time to move on. I am excited to get the next chapter started.

On this day last year I was a very different person and by this day next year, my life and I will be completely different again. It's funny how that works. Keep reading because I'm absolutely certain whatever I do over the course of the next year will at times be wonderful, out of control, absolutely hysterical, or even saddening, but most of all it will be new, ever-changing, and blog-worthy!

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